5 Real Estate Photography Tips To Sell Your House Faster

If you’re looking to sell your property fast, then consider hiring a professional real estate photographer to take pictures of your property. Professional photos will not only showcase the size and features of your home, but they will also help you sell it faster and for more money than similar homes that are not framed as well.

In fact, according to the National Association of Realtors, listing photos are visited by potential home buyers an average of 80 times before a property is purchased. So, if you have a realtor who’s not show-casing your property, then it may be time to look for another one!

Here are some tips on hiring someone to take the best photos possible of your house to ensure that it will sell for top dollar.

1) Look at their portfolio – Before you hire a photographer, take the time to look through their portfolio to see examples of their work. By reviewing what they have already taken pictures of, you’ll get an idea of the quality of images that they produce. It doesn’t matter how qualified a photographer is if they don’t take good pictures, so make sure to look through their samples and see what would be the best fit for your property.

Darrens Tip – “As they say a picture tells a thousand words and this is the first impression a buyer will see of your property so make it a good one!”

2) Do an initial walk-through – Once you’ve found a real estate photographer you like, contact them and set up an initial consultation. During this meeting, you’ll want to make sure that they can show up to your house on time (and prepared) and give them the rundown of what types of images you’re looking for. Also, walk through your home with them before the shoot to point out rooms that you think would look best photographed. If possible, do this during an off-time when no one is home so you can point out the areas in your property that you want to be shown with no distractions.

3) Discuss outdoor shots – If your home has a nice yard, consider having pictures taken of it. A photographer can show off your landscaping and any features, like a pool or gazebo, that might entice buyers to look at your property.

Darren’s Tip – Show-case your properties drawcards, What separates your property from everyone else? Is it a view, Aspect, Water Feature, Special Location?

4) Look for a specialist – When it comes to photographing homes, you’ll want someone with experience. If your realtor can recommend a photographer that they’ve worked with in the past, then you may want to go with this person instead of taking your chances on someone new. This way, you can be sure that their work will be up to your standards and that they’ll provide you with high-quality images.

Darren’s Tip – Use Darren’s photographer

5) Update your photos – Remember that your photos will be viewed more than 80 times before you get an offer on your home, so make sure to update the images every six weeks or so. This way, you can stop what Darren calls “Billboard Blindness” Once your property has been viewed several times a potential buyer becomes blind to your advertisement, so switch out the “Hero Image” on a regular basis.

Real estate photography can help boost the sale of your property and therefore get the maximum sale price, which is why they are so crucial in this market. By putting your property on the market with professional photographs, you can feel confident that buyers are getting a true representation of what it looks like! So, make sure to hire someone who takes quality pictures with no distractions, better still contact us to use our prefered photographer.